Sunday, December 29, 2019

Year-end Chain Message [didn't require readers to pass the message though]

There have been times I've had just Php50 to feed myself 
and I've also had over a thousand pesos 
to go out to eat with family or friends. 
I’ve had a house full of food and other times 
I didn't have any. 
I’ve been in stores cashing out with no worries 
and I’ve also had to add it up in my mind and 
put some back on the shelf. I’ve paid my bills in full 
and other times had to pay late. 
I’ve given money and sometimes, 
I too have had to ask for it. 
We all have highs and lows in life, 
some certainly more than others, 
but we’re all just trying to make it through this crazy life.
No one is better than anyone else, 
and my heart is sad for those who think that they are. 
No matter how big your house is, 
how new your car is, 
or how much money sits in your bank account - 
we all bleed red and will eventually fade from this earth. 
Death has no discrimination 
neither should your actions in life. 
A reminder: Be kind to others.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Du...wieder [ode to 33rd]

Du, den ich für viele Jahre geliebt habe
Du, den ich immer noch liebe
Du, der mich als tot betrachtet hat
Der mich jedoch mehr geliebt hat als das Leben selbst

Du, den ich Zwangshaft versucht habe zu vergessen
Du, an den ich immer noch denke
Du, den ich jetzt selbst als tot betrachten möchte
Der aber noch lebendiger als das Leben selbst ist

Du bist die Vergangenheit.
nichts weiter als eine Vergangenheit.
schön, aber nichts anderes als eine
schöne Vergangenheit.

zu schön, um loszulassen. 
zu schmerzhaft um dich zu behalten.


[special thanks to chris, my dearest northern light
for patiently checking and sharing a better/prettier version...mwah]

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Theology of Enough I

and then there was light
for man learned to love to live
in the dark
and in the end
man learned to love the dark
in the dark, the light is brighter
so bright, it hurts
so bright, it kills
and then there was food
for man learned to love to eat
to satiate hunger
and in the end
man learned to love the food
with food, the man is satiated
so satiated, it hurts
so satiated, it kills
and then there were words
for man learned to speak
to express
and in the end
man learned to love the words
with words, the man is heard
so loud, it hurts
so loud, it kills
and then there was thought- enough
enough of all the things that please
the heart
the body
the soul
enough of everything
the cuentos and encantos
and then it stopped when she shouted
"cut those fingernails"
(for that man has his soul trapped in his fingernails...for ever)

Saturday, September 21, 2019

flashback: my long-dead father

this is an excerpt from an email by my dear cousin maj—
we haven’t been together for so long, decades!
but we did try and been trying to keep in touch,
keeping the thread that holds our families together…
i have known a little about my father,
they tell me i write like him—
how in the world i should know???
but here’s a message coming from my cousin’s heart,
who may have known my father better than i did…

."It is indeed always a mystery
why there is so much injustice in this world
when humans are naturally blessed with good hearts.
When I hear of deaths, the first person that comes to my mind
is Tio Aling, your father.
Believe it or not.
He was the only close relative I’ve had
whose death I’ve witnessed and seen.
I’m sorry if this brings you memories…
bitter or sweet…but your father was a good person.
His ideals may have clashed with others but God knows
how he holds human rights as supreme to all.
I vividly remember all the confusion in
Mabini Street when news leaked out about Tio
being tortured and brutally killed…
and his body being brought back.
Those are images that continue to surface in my mind,
even at my very young age.
I clearly remember how thousands of people turned out for the funeral
— never seen that huge crowd in town.
Those are people who have loved your father dearly.
It crossed my mind…
if he’s indeed a "bad" guy that others tried to portray,
then why are there thousands of people who have expressed
their condolences and sympathy to our family?
Yes, sometimes life is a mystery.
And sometimes we are confronted with situations
that are beyond our control…."…

Monday, August 5, 2019

may we forgive...

One can be
forgiven easily from forgetting someone,
we all would leave anyways
and will be forgotten...
but the way we live
and the lessons we learned
and the lessons and life we share
will forever live on...
if only we remind ourselves that.

Each and every day
is a chance to live fully,
make a difference
or even just make someone's day
a little brighter, a bit better.

I sure hope one day,
we'd all learn to be conscious
of our mortality and not waste so much
of the irreplaceable resource (24 hours each day)
being bitter and making others feel bad,
mad or sad too.

Here's a toast to that day.
It'll come...

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

AND I’ve also been to me…

 “I’ve been to paradise… AND I’ve also been to me…”

1. At most mornings, 
I brush teeth while on the shower. 
2. One of my greatest pleasures is 
gazing at the rain falling. 
3. Seeing books, notebooks pens 
and papers takes my breath away. 
4. Tries so hard not to be late 
because I usually am impatient 
waiting for other people. 
5. 3 to 4 hours of sleep is 
more than enough for me. 

6. I interpret dreams. 
7. I’m a film buff. 
8. I’m good at keeping memories but 
I also have a talent of auto-deleting  bad ones. 
9. I keep bills and notes in my wallet
sometimes they last for years. 
10. I go to a coffee shop to read but
I usually end up eavesdropping…

11. I like the taste of ice cream
even if it is rainy/raining. 
12. I don’t like eating. 
13. I love sunsets. 
14. I’m so transparent and vocal, 
at times, I wish I wasn’t. 
15. I like basketball and frozen yogurt equally. 

16. I believe that ‘walking’ is the best exorcism.. 
17. I teach, I love it but I don’t like being in a room 
full of people except when I teach. 
18. I can stay very quite for a long long time.
19. I don’t like reading books that are read 
by more than 10 people in the same period. 
20. Sometimes I ride public transpo 
(bus, jeepney, tricycle) just to joyride. 

21. Flowers are good but letters are better.
22. I believe in love but I also believe 
that it can be learned, or faked. 
23. When I meet disgusting people or 
have convos with them, 
I imagine punching them (in the face). 
24. I weep on deaths but I can always 
face that it’s a fact; as natural as life.
25. I can always pretend … 
if I want to and … when needed.  

Thursday, May 2, 2019

flashback 2010: i eat 5x a day

breakfast... breaking the fast...some hard-cooked egg (some call it hard-boiled)...this was when i still use the common-kitchen (september blues)...mixed nuts for morning snack, courtesy of dean manding...yummy, especially 'coz it's free! then teh lunch!!! one big red apple. a reminder.

frozen yogurt for dinner? why not... it's packed with nutrients and good bacteria! i don't know if it's just me, but after a small cup of  frozen yogurt, i felt full...kept the craving at bay 'til about midnight---
midnight snack - roasted corn dipped in apple cider vinegar. munch munch munch...don't ask me if this is any good. i say--- try!!!

[of course this is not a daily food sked (this is just an episode of my temporary life)... i eat rice with veggies, rice with alamang, rice with fish, rice with some chicken (not in one sitting) every now and water water water]

oh well, i eat. i pray. i love. i live...and...i just felt like sharing! (winks)

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

she is all there is...

how else will you know that she loves you
how else will you know that she cares
when all she is to most is a worker
for wages, for ages, for cages
to lose...

how else will you know that she wants you
how else will you know what she bears
when all she is to most is a mother
for daughter, for sons, for some
to choose...

how else will you know that she needs you
how else will you know what she dares
when all she is to most is a friend
who advises, who cries, who helps
to bemuse...

how else will she know that you love her
how else will she know that you care
when to most all she is is a worker
for wages, for ages, for cages
to lose...

how else will she know that you want her
how else will she share what she bears
when to most all she is is a mother
for her sons and her daughter
to choose...

how else will she know that you need her
how else will you know how she dares
when to most all she is is a friend
who is there to advise and to help
to bemuse...

to bemuse to help to advise her friends
on their worries and their hurts
to dare look into the problem
as if it is that easy...
perhaps it really is

to choose her daughter or sons over some
over some love, she chose to forget
she is a mother most of all
as if it is that easy...
perhaps it really is

to lose herself from the cages by wages
or love or lover whatever ages bring
she cared, she loved, she worked
as if it is that easy...
perhaps it really is

Friday, March 22, 2019

so not love

after dejuicion, perfect
better decision than none

mob of might-coloreds

stealing some, little space
not to grow, not at all
no dream
no plan
no way

crumpled, pleasing taste

stealing little, some place
not to glow, not at all
no way
no need
no thing

afterward, onwards known

nothing but grapes -humiliated!

Monday, February 4, 2019

loving to the foolest

i went back to the trails we once trod
hoping to find you there still
---but you weren't anymore

my foolish heart
was foolish enough
to assume that
your heart
was foolish enough
to wait foolishly
without a promise

how foolish this heart has been!

i went back to the trails we once trod
hoping to hear your echoes
---but i heard your laughter

your laughter
with someone else
i couldn't talk
i couldn't walk
i couldn't dare 
even to look
at you, at her

how foolish this heart has been!

foolish enough my heart has been again
dreaming you were almost mine
---but you just smiled

and all i have
all i have left
all that is left
are the trails
we once trod
the trails 
the trails

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Rx food for 2019


1. Dark Leafy Greens:

A Nutrient-Dense Inflammation Fighter

2. Walnuts:

Rich in Mood-Boosting Omega-3 Fatty Acids

3. Avocado:

Its Oleic Acid Gives You Brainpower

4. Berries:

Full of Cell-Repairing Antioxidants

5. Mushrooms:

Helpful Tools to Lower Blood Sugar

6. Onions:

Layered With Cancer-Fighting Allium

7. Tomatoes:

Packed With Depression Fighters

8. Beans:

Satisfyingly High in Mood-Stabilizing Fiber

9. Seeds:

Small but Mighty Sources of Omega-3s

10. Apples: 

Ripe With Antioxidants and Fiber


from the article
10 Foods I Eat Every Day to Beat Depression