Monday, November 21, 2011

I will act now.

“I will act now. 
I will act now. 
I will act now. 
Henceforth, I will repeat these words 
each hour, each day, everyday, 
until the words become as much a habit as my breathing, 
and the action which follows becomes as instinctive 
as the blinking of my eyelids. 
With these words I can condition my mind 
to perform every action necessary for my success. 
I will act now. 
I will repeat these words again and again and again. 
I will walk where failures fear to walk. 
I will work when failures seek rest. 
I will act now for now is all I have. 
Tomorrow is the day reserved for the labor of the lazy. 
I am not lazy. 
Tomorrow is the day when the failure will succeed. 
I am not a failure. 
I will act now. 
Success will not wait. 
If I delay, success will become wed to another 
and lost to me forever. 
This is the time. This is the place. 
I am the person. ” 

― Og Mandino

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