i thought i've forgotten
the very day you and i first met
but i was wrong
'coz i remembered
i remembered
'twas decades ago
when i was tired of what i am
and what i'm doing
you went and held me dearly
never ever to let me go
for so long a time i thought
i would not grow tired
i would not grow tired of you
and your caress
of your unfaltering love
for years we shared our joys
our pains and memories
when love you thought was i
and what i do
you went and held me dearly
never ever to let me go
how i loved the way
your fingers stroke my being
the way your head leaned
on my unresponding shoulders
on my unfeeling system
those years you went on loving
and living just for me
you asked for more
and i gave almost everything i can
you went and held me dearly
never ever to let me go
i would want to say i love you
to say i do care
the pain is that i can't
'coz i am not made for that
not made for your love
a tear slowly rolled down my cheek
but 'twas unnoticed
you bathed me with your own
tears of despair and sadness
you went and held me dearly
never ever to let me go
i hated myself
for not having lips to kiss yours
to tell you things i long
'coz i can't, i am not
the one you thought i am.
you told me so many things
i do not really understand
you wanted me to feel the burden
i do not really know
you went and held me dearly
never ever to let me go
i dream of things
i am not meant of being
to please you but all's a dream
'coz i am not, i am not
meant for you
i asked you once- why me?
you didn't answer, i understand
'coz the voice heard by you
was never understood, will never be
you just went and held me dearly
never ever to let me go
you only heard what you wanted
it is made that way
you only see what you wanted
'coz it is what you want
it is what you want
can't you see i'm growing tired
growing tired of your love?
i am tired of dreaming
and wishing things i am not
and won't be
but you're holding me dearly
never ever to let me go
wake up my dearest
wake up from that slumber
dreams that would just fade
loo at life, life that life
with that someone you can call your own
to someone who could kiss and
wipe your tears away
someone to hold you dearly
never ever to let you go
spare me from life
love, i can not blend
i was never made to be what you want
you want me to be
spare me from your love
from love, from life, let go
spare me from your hold dear
spare me, let me go
for i belong to a world
much different from yours
let me be, let me go.