when i was about 8 months, my father wrote a poem, i didn't know about this ---'til now when my sister explained the poem that i saw in her blog...the first time i read it i felt the creeps- it is as if i have read the poem somewhere.
i even wondered; was it my poem??? was it ave's??? i tried to look for answers but didn't see one...so after a couple of days i asked her, she said it was my father's. ha????? for many years i tried to look for even bits of his writings, couldn't find any. i only knew of one title RIGOR MORTIS which was just blurted out by my nanay...theirs is a confusing love affair - a beautiful chaos i would say.
didn't know him much...circumstances forced me not to love him much, but one part of me would somehow look for answers...
i started writing since 1988 (was it 1988 when he was brutally killed??? yes) but as to where i got the talent, i am ambivalent---i have no evidences, i have no clues...until now... here--- (thanks sis, for trying to preserve this treasure).
EPILOGUE Here I am now. A man with life uncertain and insecure. Fighting all odds of political existence. I walk with DIFFERENT SHADOWS! And I must learn to live with them. In this world, there are those who are oppressed. And there are those who are persecuted because of their outlook - towards our social structure... towards the "SYSTEM" But as to whether they can endure or resist is a matter of how unrelenting their principles are - or how strong their convictions are. After the SHADOWS... What? They will never stop shadowing - till they get me. I'll be living soon in darkness. Behind BARS perhaps. Or inside a cold coffin. But all threats - all intrigues could not cow us. As long as we are still free to move - WE WILL MOVE. As long as we still have life - WE WILL HOPE. Yes, we still hope for a new day's dawn. The dawn of our freedom. FREE from dictatorial rule. The dawn of justice. FREE from all brutalities. My fate? I do not know what awaits me. I only know I must be brave. avr/11/03/77
i started writing since 1988 (was it 1988 when he was brutally killed??? yes) but as to where i got the talent, i am ambivalent---i have no evidences, i have no clues...until now... here--- (thanks sis, for trying to preserve this treasure).
EPILOGUE Here I am now. A man with life uncertain and insecure. Fighting all odds of political existence. I walk with DIFFERENT SHADOWS! And I must learn to live with them. In this world, there are those who are oppressed. And there are those who are persecuted because of their outlook - towards our social structure... towards the "SYSTEM" But as to whether they can endure or resist is a matter of how unrelenting their principles are - or how strong their convictions are. After the SHADOWS... What? They will never stop shadowing - till they get me. I'll be living soon in darkness. Behind BARS perhaps. Or inside a cold coffin. But all threats - all intrigues could not cow us. As long as we are still free to move - WE WILL MOVE. As long as we still have life - WE WILL HOPE. Yes, we still hope for a new day's dawn. The dawn of our freedom. FREE from dictatorial rule. The dawn of justice. FREE from all brutalities. My fate? I do not know what awaits me. I only know I must be brave. avr/11/03/77