...these are just thoughts...of a mother...a friend...a silent (sometimes not so silent) observer of people, things, places and events...thoughts of a forever-student and lover...of life and learning and (sometimes) un-learning...
Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Damean's Beat [NDDU Core Values]
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
ode to facebook's sakura magtanggol
Oh sweetness, oh love, oh immortal
or so I thought in your silence- cried
Have let go of the pain and moments
You, I love, I decide, I died surprised
Your colors, your letters, your memories
It fell short of life and its nameless face
Who am I to adorn your nothingness
As you lay in that nothingness`s embrace
Over a decade and a year or two still young
Even as it ended, this life had barely begun
But all too soon too it just faded away
No more singing nor dancing in the sun
No more of the smiles and laughter captured
No more convos that seemed wild and free
No more of the poems and midnight musings
I once thought was just in perfect harmony
I will try to not forget the seriousness of sorts
And all the shallowness to balance it all
I will try to not forget the aches and fakes
I will try harder if only to make me whole
Oh sweetness, oh love, oh immortal
or so I thought in this silence- I cried
I let go of these pain and moments
You, I love, I decide, I remember, I died.
Sunday, October 17, 2021
the end's prime
there in a night solemn and cold where black feathers flew off their nest where heavens gems gave a glow a figured shivered...quivered as it stood while trace of melancholy appeared in hazy shadows 'neath the moon "why oh why" its spirit moaned here the fate of the heart once agog stood with all its throe the soul hoping to find pathos of the everlasting...of the unknown the soul in its havoc flew then thought the sunrise and sunset were coeval...and... death...a prime. and the night grew darker its solemness fell deep the thickest leaf closed in coldness slowly the stars seemed to fall asleep the sky casted a dim - very dim glow tired crows seeking refuge among the branches of the trees that swayed with the breeze the figure shivered...quivered as it stood yet its silhouette remain unfazed the agony of its soul's there still confused pathos...shattered and torn the anguish of its heart stopped 'tho its thoughts then unfathomed suddenly...slowly...a poet's heart...was born. |
Sunday, September 12, 2021
the cheese, the wall, the reminders
They Keep Moving The Cheese
Anticipate Change
Get Ready For The Cheese To Move
Smell The Cheese Often
So You Know When It Is Getting Old
The Quickest You Let Go Of Old Cheese,
The Sooner You Can Enjoy New Cheese
Move With The Change
Savor The Adventure
Enjoy The Taste Of New Cheese!
And Enjoy It Again & Again
They Keep Moving The Cheese
- by Spencer Johnson MD, in Who Moved My Cheese
Sunday, August 8, 2021
"sexy" is a state of mind
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): sex·i·er; sex·i·est
Date: 1925
1 : sexually suggestive or stimulating : erotic
2 : generally attractive or interesting : appealing
that's how most dictionaries would define sexy but i guess (most) people would have varied definitions of sexy (depends on the mood or who asks)... i browsed the net and as far as my patience can take...these are (or variations of these) the answers to -
define sexy-
1. "has vital stats of 36-24-36."

2. "a certain magnetism that attracts others to you."
(i'm liking this in an odd way)
3. "marked by or tending to arouse sexual desire or interest."
(huh?! oh well, perhaps...)
4. "highly appealing or interesting."
(this will work with the word 'attractive, right?)
5. "someone sexy, in a sense, also has a good outlook on life."
(that didn't define sexy, but okay)
oh well, why bother defining it when you can go about being it---so i say, 'sexy is just a state of mind'. hence the usual rule:
think it, you're it.
Saturday, July 24, 2021
5 obvious sssh-sssh i won't blog about
your favorite 'kwek kwek' vendor
uses the same washwater
(after the shell is removed from boiled quail egg)
from sun-up to sun-down. he/she also didn't wash his/her hand
after answering nature's call. harroojosko.
(so much for being so-oh-observant).
2. (to self-proclaimed teacher's pet) ...
your highly esteemed
professor just shared your story
to his/ her colleagues over lunch and my my, they were amused!
(now you know the reason for those glances).
3. (to parents of a yuppie/ student) ...
your baby is converting
his/her flat/ dorm room/ boarding house to a motel.
his/ her lucky gf / bf doesn't only get free meals
(sometimes free laundry service) but free 'bed-service' as well.
4. (to ever-caring bf / gf) ...
your adored gf/ bf used up all
her/ his savings in trying to help your
(and you still wonder why the 'friend' isn't bugging you lately?).
5. (to you who spend scandalous time online) ...
your webclicks are monitored, saved and sold.
(but hey, what you don't know won't hurt you, right? hala!)
now you know why i won't blog about these obvious sssh-sssh. ciao!
Thursday, June 24, 2021
free to share FB post :)
from this:
Saturday, May 8, 2021
when i was about 8 months

i started writing since 1988 (was it 1988 when he was brutally killed??? yes) but as to where i got the talent, i am ambivalent---i have no evidences, i have no clues...until now... here--- (thanks sis, for trying to preserve this treasure).
EPILOGUE Here I am now. A man with life uncertain and insecure. Fighting all odds of political existence. I walk with DIFFERENT SHADOWS! And I must learn to live with them. In this world, there are those who are oppressed. And there are those who are persecuted because of their outlook - towards our social structure... towards the "SYSTEM" But as to whether they can endure or resist is a matter of how unrelenting their principles are - or how strong their convictions are. After the SHADOWS... What? They will never stop shadowing - till they get me. I'll be living soon in darkness. Behind BARS perhaps. Or inside a cold coffin. But all threats - all intrigues could not cow us. As long as we are still free to move - WE WILL MOVE. As long as we still have life - WE WILL HOPE. Yes, we still hope for a new day's dawn. The dawn of our freedom. FREE from dictatorial rule. The dawn of justice. FREE from all brutalities. My fate? I do not know what awaits me. I only know I must be brave. avr/11/03/77
Thursday, April 8, 2021
trust me, phobias can be funny sometimes
surfing the net, i looked for phobias that is somewhat-basted-with-humor and Joe Cassidy @ http://www.c4vct.com/kym/humor/10phobia.htm gave me his list (see below). oh well, read on, for both information and humor purposes ...
10. Aichmophobia: The Fear of Pointed Objects
9. Anglophobia: The Fear of England and its Culture
8. Bogyphobia: The Fear of the Boogeyman
4. Francophobia: The Fear of the French
3. Rhabdophobia: The Fear of being Beaten with a Stick
2. Politicophobia: The Fear or abnormal dislike of politicians [nyay]
1. Coulrophobia: The Fear of Clowns
10. Papaphobia: The Fear of the Pope
9. Xylophobia: The Fear of Wooden Objects [huh?]
8. Hellenologophobia: The Fear of Complex Scientific Terms and Greek Terminology [i so have this-amp!]
7. Porphyrophobia: The Fear of the color Purple
6. Gymnophobia: The Fear of Nudity
5. Ostraconophobia: The Fear of Shellfish
4. Stasiphobia: The Fear of Walking
3. Pantiphobia: The Fear of Everything [praning!]
2. Venustraphobia: The Fear of Beautiful Women
1. Eurotophobia: The Fear of Female Genitalia
my my my, what a funny list! but who knows, maybe one of you have one of these (?)... why don't we try work on our own list, i'd share you mine one day...but for now, i'd remember these - be it for word games or just for a laugh (or two).
Sunday, March 14, 2021
life rings... and all. on to the new year
I have come to terms with my LIFE RING just recently, following the death of my mother. I reviewed and realized there are changes that I have to make and some rethinking of how things are done...
1st - MY HEALTH ... Mom died of ovarian cancer and we only knew it recently following what we thought was just anemia. I know I have to be very careful and have to keep myself healthy now in order for me to achieve whatever plans and goals I still have left.
2nd - MY FAMILY ... I have a very small family and as I keep myself healthy I have to keep them that way too. This will happen by providing them with enough vitamins and needed vaccines and remind them to do their exercises at least 3x a week. I also have to follow up on their mental health by providing time for some chitchat over snack or meal, or during family day trips.
3rd - MY EXTENDED FAMILY... When we were battling my mom's condition for 560 days in the hospital I had the chance to talk with my siblings. It was then that I realized they're having hard time making ends meet. I am not rich but I think I can provide for some of their needs especially now that my mother is not around anymore and that they are trying to build their family, having newborns. It is my goal to provide them too with vitamins and supplements and ask them every now and then what I can do to help. The creation of a group chat exclusively for siblings make it easier for us to connect and support each other.
4th - MY CAREER... As I thought of early retiring, I would like to explore more on other opportunities (academe, research, consultancy) to earn so I could finance whatever travel/trips I have in my mind for my family and extended family. I also would need such if I am to support my brother in finishing college even if he has a family now.
5th - THE COMMUNITY ... I am a member of a group (KaEskwela) that supports public school kids. I intend to continue doing so. My advocacy in supporting local businesses and Filipino farmers is also ongoing. With this is my support too for calling for GOOD GOVERNANCE, hence wise voting for next years national elections.
6th - CONTINUOUS EDUCATION ... I should not stop learning, hence this MOOC. I have yet to read a lot of books and hopefully self-publish a book of poems and flash fiction.
7th - HOBBIES AND SELF-CARE... I always seem to forget about myself, so even if it is the last on this ring, I intend to also give focus on it. I plan to get a body massage once in a while or buy myself some cream for my hair and body for pampering. Maybe I can go on solo trips too :)
Monday, February 22, 2021
my failure resume
Good grades in school but bad in actual experience
Did not take Accounting subjects seriously,
Took masters in Economics
Took Ph.D. in Economics
Monday, January 18, 2021
january 18th. fight goes on
As of today, we are given another day (as we consider each day a miracle). Nanay is re-learning how to eat and sip, she still doesn't talk but she moves her hands and nods her head as she recognizes people, she even tries to ask how we are... She's undergoing dialysis every other day and still on close monitoring. We keep hoping she'd get a bit better for surgery and/or go home...
Each episode causes us (I and my siblings) to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us. DAGHANG SALAMAT GAYUD for all your help, your prayers, your kind words...
We really appreciate them. ***mahigpit na yakap po*** Thank you. God bless you.
Thursday, January 7, 2021
boogeyman out
YOU WERE NOT EXPECTED BUT YOU WERE LOVED BY HER...EVEN NOW. i know so. you were conceived during those times that her relationship with him is on the rocks. you may look up to him as someone good, well-respected, and unfairly-judged by some. the truth? he didnt work and provided for the family coz he believed having his family name, track record and relative riches is enough so he just let her work her ass out coz her pride couldnt take begging from his family all the time. but yes, he was there.
he was there as a symbol. he decides. he was the man of the house. i was even proud having him- so tall, so big, so loud. he forced her to borrow a very huge sum of money from the bank where she works and invest it on something that didnt work so he decided to move us out of the place and bring us to unfamiliar grounds and try to live there. you were in her belly then. when her belly grew big, i began to wonder why i didnt see her throw-up then on second thought i said to myself, what will she throw up when we barely have anything to eat? but she fought for you. she ate what little food i and marion have left to nourish you inside. she touches you in her belly every night. i know coz i see her (most of the time she thought i was asleep) looking at the stars and tears flowing in her cheeks. i always look at her and check on her and marion if they are still breathing. i kept on praying for them to be awake the next day. it was my biggest fear then, i was 5 and i am haunted by the thought that id be left alone...
and you were born, i was crying. i was worried. marion was trying to calm herself by playing. i was at the stairs wondering if she's ever gonna live after giving birth to you. she was weak and pale. i was wondering if you would look okay if you have fought for your life inside her in those months of hunger and pain. then someone told me he heard you cry. i thanked god you were alive. but that someone also told me she isnt moving. my heart beat so fast, what will i do? i was just 5. how can i ever take care of you and marion if she dies? i decided to make some plans. a. go to the nuns and ask for help, have them adopt us. b. beg the landlady (an old maid) to adopt us while i clean her house and help her in sewing or laundry in return. c. find ways to contact grandpa and ask them to think of whats best for us. funny, that time, i didnt think of him (our father). perhaps i knew then that he never really was there even as he was. back then i surrendered to the thought that id grow without a father and that it is okay.
we sold all we had just to buy milk for you and food for us. she did laundry for others again as she was waiting for her wounds to heal. she believes god has plans and that we would all be okay if she finds a good job. she was promised by a certain company that she would be hired as soon as shes fit for work...days after he arrived, he took you away. she was crying, she didnt want to. she was able to start working but on weekends we would look for you. we would ride a bus, the three of us and look for you. after several attempts we saw you and we took you back. you were a beautiful baby. i love seeing you in her arms. marion and i would play with you. you had a strange giggle.you were our baby...
after a few months, i was at school, he came again. he took you away from us (again). that time, there was no crying from her, there were angry voices. and then we did the usual round (of looking for you). you were walking by then, and when we found you, you were thin and your legs were full of insect bites. i was crying. i told her we wont go unless we have you with us. the lady wouldn't give you unless we give her something. she gave everything she had in her bag to the lady...and so we had you again.
when i was in grade 2, our aunt came for a vacation, she said shed borrow you. i said yes and i made her promise to bring you back soonest but i didnt expect that she wouldnt tell her about it and just take you away. i was reprimanded by her. i was crying and i was so guilty. for many months i hated myself for allowing them to take you away from us again...days and months have passed you didnt return. we stopped our usual route in looking for you. i asked her why can't we take you back. she said a bus ride would not be enough anymore...then i realized you were taken so far far away.
living without you isnt easy. your dress are still in my box then and all those fancy jewelries i make you wear when we play-pretend you are a princess. i was so used to giving you bath, feeding you, combing your hair and playing with you all the time. we missed you so. sometimes we miss you so much we just cry. all three of us. day in day out, month in month out year in year out i still see her crying and looking at the stars but this time you are not in her womb anymore, you were somewhere far... those nights i look at her, i also pray to god that you are taken care of, that you are happy, that you are not crying...all i can do is hope, pray and wish that one day youd be back in her arms ...back in our arms again...